Glendale Heights Flooded Basement Cleanup (2025)

What if the unthinkable happens to you? Things can spiral out of control. Imagine this…

What if your area gets hit by strong rain which causes a great deal of water damage, then causes a flooded basement in which the extra moisture startes to cause toxic mold to grow on just about any surface of your home or business? By employing the most talented and highly trained technitions to restore your home from any flooding or water damage that might have been caused due to freezing pipes or high amounts of rainfall. Call us now and our curtious staff will assist you in helping you with what you need done.

If you need help with sewage damage cleanup to document drying, you can our office 24/7.

You can reach us at 1-800222-6815 if you are having any water, sewage, smoke damage, or mold problems!
Flooded Basement

Flooded Basement: Keeping the Damp Musties Away

Basements are either fabulous or wretched, depending on how they are used and the general décor and condition. Some basements remain gray concrete, cold, and depressing and just a little on the scary side. These are the utilitarian basements- useful but not attractive and certainly not inviting in any way. Nobody really cares about this area, how it looks, or smells- they go down there and do what they need to do, whether it is laundry or to check the furnace and then they scurry back out. If one of these types ends up as a flooded basement, the drains and sump pumps do the majority of the work and the homeowner mops up the rest of the water and is done.

But some basements are truly beautiful, well lit and inviting areas. Lovingly redone, and outfitted with warm furniture, painted walls and carpeting, you come down to these basements, sink onto a sofa and watch hockey games or play videos with your friends. Maybe you are lucky enough to have a pool table or ping pong down there, perhaps a little fridge filled with sodas and yummy snacks. This is not just a basement, it is a favorite part of the house, a well used and well loved area. Having a flooded basement

In either case, the flooded basement must be taken care of, preferably as soon as possible. The longer that water sits on the floor of the flooded basement, even in the case of concrete the more likely it is to encourage the growth of mold and cause a damp, musty odor that will permeate the entire house. Just closing the basement door will not stop this smell, and the longer it goes unchecked, the worse it will get.

Once the water in the flooded basement has all been cleaned up and things are dried, you can start working on freshening things back up. Sprinkle some baking soda onto the carpet (make sure that it is completely dry) and maybe a touch of cinnamon if you would like. Let it sit for a few hours, or even over night and then vacuum as usual. The baking soda will neutralize any odor, and the cinnamon will add a touch of scent. Sprays will only scent the air- they do not take care of the source of the odor, they do not fully cover it and they do not last more than a few moments. Make sure that you have checked every wall, every corner for signs of mold and mildew and remove anything that is not dry from the area. Once this is done, the smell of the basement should be fairly neutral and you can then infuse the area with the scent of your choosing. For some really quick and budget friendly tips: stash dryer sheets under furniture and in corners. Use unlit, scented candles on tables or on shelves. Use scented drawer liners on your shelving. Leave bowls of potpourri in various locations (be careful if there are pets or small children frequently in the area). Sprinkle bleach down the drains to keep them clear of odor causing buildup. Keep a watchful eye on the area- and keep moisture and its bad odors away.

A flooded basement might be an intimidating problem at first, but with patience, perseverance and the information you just got, you could be more than simply just capable of handling such a problem.

National Weather Alerts

Lake Zurich flood damage cleanup Murphysboro flooded basement cleanup Rockford document drying Granite City mold removal Clinton flood damage cleanup Zion flooded basement cleanup Forest Park water removal Greenville flooded basement cleanup Godfrey mold removal Mokena document drying Chicago Flood Damage Cleanup Winfield flood damage cleanup Seattle Water Damage Cleanup Burrridge water damage restoration Maywood water removal Crystal Lake water damage restoration Edwardsville mold removal Summit Argo water removal Pekin water removal Antioch water damage restoration Plainfield flooded basement cleanup Pekin document drying Libertyville document drying Schiller Park water damage restoration Winnetka flood damage cleanup Lincolnwood flood damage cleanup Melrose Park mold removal Centralia mold removal Marion mold removal Sycamore flooded basement cleanup Bourbonnais water removal Geneseo flooded basement cleanup Lemont water removal Flossmoor water removal 24 Hour Emergency Cleaning

Glendale Heights Flooded Basement Cleanup (2025)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.