Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes (2025)

Updated January 5, 2024

We added possible keypad codes!

Slap Battles is a chaotic battle experience where you can earn slaps as you battle other players and use them to obtain new gloves to use in the arena; some equipped with OP abilities.

To enter the Elude Maze in Slap Battles, you need to enter a specific code into a hidden keypad. This requires a bit of a math to figure out and is based on the number of players in the server. You can use the codes below to enter in the keypad and skip the math process. You don't want to miss out on the chance to get this exclusive Elude glove. You can get other free rewards using in-game codes, such as Power Slap Simulator Codes or Ability Fighters Codes.

All Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes

Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes (Working)

  • 1118—Enter this code if there is 1 player in the server!
  • 1143—Enter this code if there is 2 players in the server!
  • 1168—Enter this code if there are 3 players in the server!
  • 1193—Enter this code if there are 4 players in the server!
  • 1218—Enter this code if there are 5 players in the server!
  • 1243—Enter this code if there are 6 players in the server!
  • 1263—Enter this code if there are 7 players in the server!
  • 1293—Enter this code if there are 8 players in the server!
  • 1318—Enter this code if there are 9 players in the server!
  • 1343—Enter this code if there are 10 players in the server!
  • 1368—Enter this code if there are 11 players in the server!
  • 1393—Enter this code if there are 12 players in the server!
  • 1418—Enter this code if there are 13 players in the server!
  • 1443—Enter this code if there are 14 players in the server!

Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes (Expired)

Slap Battles Elude Maze codes should not expire since their use is based on the number of players in your server, but we will update this section if anything changes.

Related: How to get the Sparky Gloves in Slap Battles – Roblox

How to enter codes in Slap Battles Elude Maze

To enter the codes for the Elude Maze in Slap Battles, you need to find the hidden keypad; here's how.

Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes (1)
  1. In the game, exit the lobby through the Normal Arena portal.
  2. From the main island, make your way over to the branching islands. The keypad has a chance of spawning every ten minutes on either of these smaller islands on the back of the trees.
  3. When you find the keypad, enter the code by pressing the correct numbers shown in the list above.
  4. Press the green button to enter the code and teleport to Elude Maze!

How can you get more codes for Slap Battles Elude Maze?

If you're looking for more codes to try in the Elude Maze keypad, you can try and do the math for yourself based on the number of players are in your server. The proper equation for the keypad is: Number of players x 25 = 200, 200 + 1,100 = 1,300, and 1,300 – 7 + 1,293.

Why aren't my Slap Battles Elude Maze codes working?

If none of the above codes seems to be working then it might be because you have more players in your server than we have listed above. You can try to do the math yourself by using the equation shown in the paragraph above.

The most common reason your Elude Maze codes may not be working correctly is that something went wrong while doing your math. Be sure to double-check all your numbers, ensuring you are adding, multiplying and subtracting correctly. It may also be because you hit a wrong number. Click the numbers carefully on the keypad to ensure you don't make mistakes, or click the red button if you mispress.

Other ways to get free rewards in Slap Battles

The best way to get items in Slap Battles is to earn slaps so you can unlock new gloves. You can earn increased slaps by competing in tournaments. However, you can follow the Slap Battles group page to stay up-to-date with any special events where you might be able to earn new items.

What is Slap Battles?

Slap Battles is a crazy action battle game on Roblox where players battle it out in the arena by simply slapping each other with giant gloves. These gloves can have multiple different abilities, some creating giant tornadoes or others charging up and sending players flying into the air. Try and get as many slaps as possible to unlock new gloves and try your hand in a tournament to see if you can beat everyone else.

If you're looking for codes for other games, we have a ton of them in our Roblox Game Codes post! You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page. And in the meantime, take a look at the latest news to stay up-to-date on all things entertainment.

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Roblox Game Codes

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Slap Battles Elude Maze Codes (2025)


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